Isn't it lovely? Young? Artsy?
For a look through the entire booklet, see here:
The collection of styles in this booklet are definitely geared to the 16 through mid twenties crowd. My daughter is 22. She has two (cloth) jumpers similar to this (one solid, one striped) and they look great on her. It is very versatile, with the ability to dress it up or down, and change the look by the colors worn underneath it, with tights, with jeans, etc.
This project has been a WIM of mine since I first saw the book. The pattern retails for just over $4.00 at your local craft chain, and can be purchased directly from Patons for a smidge cheaper as a pdf download. That's a deal considering how many projects are included in the booklet. With the needed yarn, perhaps this would cost about $40 to make. That's where I had to (temporarily) put on the brakes. Have I mentioned we're on a budget here in the Casa de Carlen?
Since the summer, money has been extremely tight. I'm trying to justifying this purchase since I have been: brown bagging lunch, not bought anything remotely "indulgent" in months, been making dinners largely out of the cupboard and freezer as much as possible, using my stash yarn for any and all recent projects............and... wouldn't this a) make a lovely Xmas gift for my daughter and b) keep me out of trouble? YES, I vote yes.
Print me an ACMoore coupon and come to mama~! I see a shopping trip in my very near future....and, I'll keep ya posted.
12/24/12 - edited to add: I DID make this. In a lovely caramel color, and will have to take a photo of my beautiful daughter wearing it and add it to this post!
Hi Donna, I should be working but had to go thru my fav blogs and you posted so yay! I checked out the Pattons booklet and I would wear all the cute projects in it. I'm young at heart and petite so I think I could get away with it. Problem is the TIME to make 'em all, let alone one. YUP, I think that you should go for it and make it. Hand-made gifts are the best AND nobody would have one just like it in the whole world! That is what I find unique about creating one of a kind vs mass produced items. We've cut back, too and without the help of hubby's mum we'd not be able to fix on our house right now. Take care oxoxo